Sunday, 9 June 2013

Printing of Commercial books

Traders all over the world need certain books to assist them in business transactions. This books are commonly referred to as commercial books. Some of this books include, receipt books, order book, invoice book, voucher book, delivery book, cash sales, quotation book among others. These books serves some specifics purpose in a business enterprise and since the firms operations vary from each other it is not a must to have all of them. Most of the printers in Kenya, can easily print them, however, the quality and kind of papers used may vary from printer to printer. Although a few leading printers in Kenya and allover the world will advise appropriates this mint not be the case for upcoming printers.
Here are thing to look for while ordering for a commercial book.
1.       The size – while other prefer the books in A6, and A5 other firms and individuals prefer A4 books or even bigger sizes. The purpose and kind of the organization activities to some point dedicates the size. For instance, A6 receipts are suitable  for hotels.
2.       The volume of the book, while most of the book are in 50x2 (100 pages),50x3 (150pages),50x4 (200pages) other prefer either book with 100x2,100x3 and in rare cases 100x4 pages.
3.       Kind of paper- most of the said book are either done on bank paper, newsprint paper, bond paper or NCR (carbonless papers). Thus clients should specify which paper he want his books to be printed in it.
4.       Binding is another specific item that should be looked unto, i.e whether side bind, top among others, like cover with MG, manila or any other.

Next time you want to order any books from printers in Kenya make sure you choose from a printing company that will give quality printings.

   All the best as you look forward t o print your books.

Tag: receipt book, delivery book, invoice book, voucher book, cash sales, quotation books, printing in Kenya, commercial printing company in Kenya, bulky printers in Kenya, printing companies, posters printing, calendars printing, brochures printing, wedding cards printers, label printers, packaging printers


  1. we offer quality printing of receipt book, delivery book, invoice book, voucher book, cash sales, quotation books at affordable rates. visit our website:

  2. This looks great, I sooo need to try this soon! Thanks!

    Book printer

  3. inkpaste printers, they are the best providers of receipt book, delivery book, invoice book, voucher book, cash sales, quotation books, printing in Kenya, commercial printing company in Kenya, bulky printers in Kenya, printing companies, posters printing, calendars printing, brochures printing, wedding cards printers, label printers, packaging printers

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