Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Full Colour Printing Services

The term full colour do confused quite a number of people especially those that are have little knowledge on offset printing. Full colour printing refers to printing process or rather the printing task that contains images which required combination of four colours to achieve its actual colour. 

 For instance, a portrait with an image of a person may be considered as full colour printing.  Colour which are involved in full colour printing process includes” Cyan, magenta, black, yellow. At any given time, only four colours are used but depending on the type of offset machine being used, it may be more than four colours e.g. adding of colour like mixing white etc.

Most of the printing services / item that are commonly full colour include: posters, brochures, letter heads, business cards, complimentary slips, among others.

Friday, 7 March 2014

Brochures Vs Posters

Any printing company in Kenya can affirms that brochures and posters are the printing services  are widely consumed  services in Kenya market  after business cards and letter heads. According to the site Printing In Kenya brochures printing and poster printing are some of the printing services that are most searched and done by printing companies in Kenya.

However, there has been a big confusing on what is a brochure and what is poster. Most of the client while they want brochures printed by Kenya printing firms they say they want poster and vise versa. Printing companies in Kenya have found themselves in a situation they need to redo the job because of such misunderstanding. It is with reason therefore I wish to draw the different between brochures and posters.

         i.            Brochure are printed on both side of the pages while poster are printed only on one side
       ii.            Brochures are often folded, for instances, they be folded thrice i.e tri-fold while posters are not folded, they meant to be put in a place to be seen or used as placard.
      iii.            Brochures have are more details information e.g. about the product or company while picture contain very few writing with big images.

         i.            Most of them are often in full colour and commonly printed on art paper

Offset Printing is a process

What most people don’t know is that offset printing is a set of process that is mandatory and even one process is ignored, it is impossible to proceed or the quality of the print is compromised. A person who needs to order printing services in Kenya, it is vital to note, when you need bulk printing it must be offset which can not be done quick as compared to few pieces which are printed on digital machine.
Printing is very wide and a process of several activities that include, pre-press (graphic design, separation, plate making etc), printing; which include runs and finishing part which may include binding, lamination, UV finish, stitching perfect binding, creasing among others. An average preparation of the printing process is 48 hours, and thus printing works should be expected from the 3 days depending on the technicalities, colors and quantity. However, lucky enough is that most of the Kenya printers are they do as they can to deliver as soon as possible. Some there are number of printing companies in Kenya that are known to deliver simple job within the same day a complicated within 2- 3 days, this is good new for those who have quick printing needs.
Remember, don’t just allow printing company in Kenya to rush your job and comprise on the quality, discuss with them before they comment printing. It is also good to note offset printing gives a sharp image than digital printing and it is very economical to do offset printing if your printing order is bulky i.e from 500 pieces.
Keywords: posters, poster printing in Kenya, printing process, printing in Kenya, offset printing in Kenya, printing services in Kenya, business cards printing in Kenya, best printing companies in Kenya, printers in Kenya, where to get printing services in Kenya, printing quote.

Bond papers / Woodfree

I am a sales person, working with Inkpaste Printers & Stationers ( a leading and quality oriented printing company in Kenya. i have over 24 years experience in which I worked 6 years with Inkpaste Printers & Stationers. I have made over 200,000 printing quotes since I became a sale person in printing industry in Kenya, and I would love to share a small issue which has found confusing my clients when they request me to make a quote.  And that is bond paper.   I would take of this as below.
What is bond paper?
Bond paper is uncoated woodfree, which is manufacture from pulp, is often in white but of late is also available in many colours as well. The commonly known is bond 80gsm paper  in A4 SIZE , often referred to as photocopy paper or copy paper. In most cases bond paper is available in the following brands:
Ø  50 – 55 – also known as bank paper
Ø  60 – 85  mostly used in office document

Uses of bond paper

1.      Most of the printing companies in Kenya, corporate and individuals use bond 80gsm for normal office document.
2.      Bond papers is also used for photocopying and general office printings
3.      Bank paper (50gsm) and bond 60 gsm are commonly used by printing firms in Kenya to produce: exercise books, fullsculps, and business books like receipt books, invoices, and delivery among others.
4.      Heavy bond papers are used to print letter heads among other stationary.
5.      Bond paper is also used to manufacture white envelopes among others.
Next time when you see a quote indicated bond 80 Gsm …..just know it is copy paper.
And you know…..for best printing services in Kenya talk to us through:
Inkpaste printers & stationers